Back in September, I mistakenly went to the Račianska 59 building looking for my office building. It houses the Dean's office for the Faculty of Education at Comenius University, and it had previously been the local headquarters for the Communist party. I went back today to take some pictures.
It's a very ordinary-looking office building from the outside, surrounded by some nice landscaping and green space.
The interior also looks like any typical administrative building at a university -- except for this huge wood-carved statue of patriotic figures in the lobby. I didn't see any attribution to the artist, but you have to think this was installed by the Communists in their day.
The office building is surrounded by acres of high-rise housing. The complex to the north needs some serious attention. Is it a coincidence that all those weather-beaten balconies are red?
The housing immediately to the south appears to be getting a nice facelift. Amazing what a coat of paint will do.NOTE: Click on any image in this blog to see it full-size.
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