Saturday, September 15, 2007

Adventures in food

Grocery shopping is great fun for visitors, and prices are very reasonable. The two major options in Old Town are Tesco, a huge UK-based chain all over Europe, and Billa. Both stores have very tiny baskets for shoppers, but since almost everybody seems to be walking home or headed for the tram, you can only buy what you can carry. Both take credit cards. Both also expect you to do your own bagging. Tesco provides free bags. Billa doesn’t, so people bring their own or buy a sturdy Billa shopping bag for 6 SKK (about $0.24). A few brands are familiar (Dannon yogurt, Nestle coffee), but most are not.

Tesco has a big grocery store on the perimeter of Old Town that always seems to be jammed. Along with food, they have a drug store, film developing, currency exchange, and café.

I just read that Tesco is opening stores in Los Angeles next year, though under a different name, “Fresh and Easy.” Note to Tesco: please bring this coffee selection to southern California.

Billa is a local grocery chain with a little outlet near the Opera House. With so many unusual selections, a well-stocked fresh bakery, and great coffee choices, it feels more like shopping at Wild Oats or Trader Joe’s than Ralph’s or Von’s. I especially love the huge selections of cheeses, yogurts, and individual pastries you pick out of bins. Many tourists have heard of the scrumptious pastries in Vienna. They’re here in Bratislava, too.

If you're hungry for American comfort food, there's always McDonald's. The prices and menus are comparable -- except, of course, for the coffee, which is vastly better and includes a nice selection of espresso, lattes, and cappuccinos. They take credit cards, too. This McDonald's is adjacent to the Opera House, with lots of outdoor seating.

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